Intellect is good

To the editor:

Why has “intellectual” come to describe something nasty on the bottom of your shoe? What’s wrong with being intellectual? By definition, it sounds good to me:

Intellectual – guided or developed by or relying on the intellect rather than upon emotions or feelings; rational. When someone on the right derides someone on the left side of the fence for their intellectualism, I wonder why. Often, it’s said that intellectuals are aloof snobs out of touch with the common man. Aren’t educators intellectuals? Shouldn’t we want those who teach our children to have a high intellect? The same should hold true to those we elect. Politics by nature is complex, and requires the use of intellect to understand how it works.

I’m not saying that just plain folks are, in any way, inferior or lack the ability to understand how things work. What I want in those who hold office and those who are candidates for the presidency is a combination of the two. They need an understanding of what the average Joe is going through and also have the intellectual capacity to deal with the complexities of national and international politics.

Straight talk is great! Yet to attack someone because he or she doesn’t say “y’all” is petty and ignores what’s actually important. That is, the ability to deal with politics in a rational, thoughtful and intellectual manner, considering everything that we face today. Intellectual isn’t a dirty word, and to infer that it is shows a lack of intellect.

Steve Craven