Race card

To the editor:

I was unable to attend the Dole Institute program “POTUS44 – The Next President of the United States” last Wednesday so only had the article in the Journal-World for highlights of the event. As I was reading the article, I wished I had been able to make it – until I read the last paragraph.

I was deeply offended by the quote from Ray Strother that because Obama does not have a substantial lead in the election, “what you have is ingrained racism.”

Excuse me for having the intelligence to assess the candidates on their beliefs, values, knowledge and experience. Just because everything is not perfect does not mean we must elect a Democrat for president at all costs no matter who he is, what he believes in or what his intentions are for our country!

If I felt Obama was the right person for the job he would get my vote no matter what his gender or race. However, his lack of experience does concern me and obviously a lot of other Americans. Shame on you, Ray Strother, for playing the race card!

Kathe Clark,