Winds of change?

To the editor:

The winds of change blew south from the Twin Cities as the angry white party gathered for their nominating convention. They attempted to channel the populist movement of Minnesota past, or the progressive voices of leaders like Humphrey, Mondale and Wellstone. But sadly, by week’s end, they were bitter, attempting to be that which they are not, and suggesting they were no part responsible for the malaise that envelops America.

The big tent of less than 2 percent African-American delegates – compared to a record number for the Democratic Party – should be sufficient evidence of how much the GOP is a party of change. Why, even the president, George W. Bush couldn’t get an invite. After being in Texas for the Hurricane Gustav, he flew back to D.C. rather than St. Paul so he could be seen but not really seen. And most angry of all, Vice President Cheney had to be evacuated from his bunker to old Europe for fear he may find a microphone and growl his venomous rhetoric about Iraq being a threat, possessing weapons of mass destruction, and other misstatements from the past eight years.

So I hope their rabid rabble of “hands off” the Palin children is more than just do as I say, not as I do. Remember, it was conservative Rush Limbaugh and the current Republican presidential nominee who made most disparaging remarks about a young teenager named Chelsea Clinton.

Alan “Ace” Hickey,