Extreme view

To the editor:

I have come to expect unreasoned, predictable and extreme opinions from Cal Thomas. Even so, I found astonishing his Sept. 3 column extolling the reasons that McCain’s surprise running mate is qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. He emphasizes that she is tough, pretty, pro-life, gun-toting and, most essential of all, wore a skirt and heels at her introduction. As an added bonus, the sermon titles at her church met with Thomas’ approval.

This column officially places Cal Thomas in the category of the extreme right-wing radio commentators such as Rush Limbaugh, who appeal to people with no interest in thinking through the issues with any logic or reason. The only reason I can think of for a newspaper to give this individual a platform for his extreme and insulting beliefs is to inflame readers and hope to sell a few more papers. I urge readers to inform themselves on the real issues and make their voting decisions based on something other than Cal Thomas’ fashion sense and religious dogma.

Penny Schau,
Baldwin City