Bus cooperation

To the editor:

The vision for successful public transit in Lawrence dangles by a thread. Each and every voter will have the option to voice their opinion on the ballot next week. Voters should not let the unknown keep them from voting “yes” for Questions 2 and 3. The city of Lawrence, Kansas University and its students are all at the table to create a system in Lawrence that is more frequent and convenient for all transit riders.

Seamless service is the key here. While no exact service details are being presented, the goal is to create a universal set of routes to allow riders to effectively travel throughout the city with greater ease and in less time. These types of changes could be seen in consolidation of duplicate routes, increasing frequency on routes, increasing peak-time service, decreasing low utilization service, adding Sunday or evening service, and creating new centrally located transfer hubs. All of these changes would take advantage of the services that the T and KU on Wheels currently offer that are successful.

Working toward this goal together, everyone will benefit with better transit services throughout Lawrence. Voting yes for Questions 2 and 3 will demonstrate that Lawrence is the progressive town it claims to be. Let’s make Lawrence a livable place. Vote “yes” for transit.

Jessica Mortinger,