Save, then change

To the editor:

In response to Scott Henderson’s letter “T needs change” I would like to let the readers know that the group supporting the “yes” vote on Questions 2 and 3 agree. I have attended several of the meetings and spoken to a number of people involved, and all agree that the system needs to be improved.

A “no” vote on these issues will end the T, as well as the paratransit buses. There is no way to improve a system that doesn’t exist. There was an old commercial that used the line, “That’s like burning down the barn to get rid of rats.” If this is defeated we would have to completely start over and lose important federal and state funds.

I’m sure that after the vote passes, the Save the T group and others will work hard to demand necessary and substantial improvements, including the merger with KU on Wheels.

Let’s not follow the logic used during the Vietnam war: “Sometimes you have to destroy a village in order to save it.” Surely we’ve learned something since then.

Phil Minkin,