Just the facts

To the editor:

Why aren’t the facts of news reported? Opinions have taken control of the news. There are three major news media, yet they report the same thing. Experience has shown that when witnesses are questioned, you get different observations of the incident. From their reports, the facts are put together to form a report. The investigator takes the common threads of the reports and weaves them together to form a report. Others may be involved to see if they come to the same conclusion. It is important that all the truth is present in the report.

It appears that opinions are promoted instead of facts. Perhaps the media are held captive by the same thing that infected Wall Street, money. Manipulation is used, as some CEO’s did, to get the wealth they desired. News must be made sensational to sell. No one likes to be manipulated. It infers one can’t think or they aren’t intelligent enough. Manipulation is a method of control. We are even told after a speech what we are supposed to have heard. A thinking, intelligent person does not need that. Isn’t that done to sway an audience?

Let us have facts. Let us see the proof of the facts and all the proof, not just selected items.

Margie Hinkle,