Open to debate

To the editor:

Bruce Springsteen’s letter (Public Forum, Oct. 6) regarding evolution got my ire up. Springsteen labels those who do not agree with his evolution mindset as “fools.”

The truth is that science cannot fully explain the biological complexities of life and how we or the world came to be. Evolution is not a closed issue. For instance, there is the glaring “missing link.” Fossil evidence, on which science heavily relies, fails to show that any one kind of organism transformed itself into any other kind of organism. Darwin, himself, stated that the lack of transitional forms in the fossil record raised serious objections about his own hypothesis. There is no fossil evidence to support the theory of gradual change.

In fact, science shows just the opposite, that each form of life was always unique within genetic limits, staying within its own class. Science dictates that there are three main forms of life; human, animal and plant. Never has human, animal or plant been able to cross. Since science agrees that apes are animals and that man is human, how did apes cross over to become human? And if we evolved from apes, why are there still apes? Perhaps Springsteen could explain.

In spite of all the arrogant insults that have been hurled at those who believe in a Creator, including the Founding Fathers of this nation, scientists cannot prove that evolution is an absolute, yet, like Springsteen, would try to bully us into swallowing their opinion unquestioningly as fact.

Karyl Graves,