Revamp the T

To the editor:

The T bus system has been in existence for many years. It was promoted and instituted to help those in need. Those in need have spoken. They need some form of public transportation, just not what we are providing.

In July, I sent a letter to the City Commission asking if there was a plan to provide a more efficient and cost-effective transportation system with or without merging with Kansas University. I asked, if there is, why the tax increase to support a changed system using current cost levels? Only one commissioner responded and confirmed there is no plan, only a belief.

Basically the commission is asking us to bail out a failed bus system with a tax increase, with no plan to achieve operating, equipment and labor cost savings. Just changing bus routes doesn’t address the real issues and definitely not the whole cost problem! With no plan and a new sales tax, there is no incentive to reduce costs or ever eliminate this tax.

The City Commission sends plans back to staff when requests come before them that need improvement. I believe we must reject this tax increase and send it back to the commission to develop a plan to achieve operating, equipment and labor cost savings. The goal should be: Provide a transit system within the city budget without further tax increases.

Let’s design and provide a transit system aimed at today’s riders’ needs only. Tomorrow we can expand the transit system as demand and affordability allow.

David Reynolds,