Good job

To the editor:

I would like to commend Lawrence’s Public Works Department for its response to a street-paving issue in our neighborhood.

One day recently, I came out of the house to find the street adjacent to ours being graded for repaving. I live on a short dead-end street around the corner from Fourth and Indiana that had wide patches of rocky dirt where the asphalt had deteriorated. As Indiana was being prepared, a call to the city revealed no plans were in place for our strip of Fourth Street. A request was taken to be added to the waiting list.

The next day, our street was being graded and was paved within 24 hours. And a request for added signage that would stop “short-cutters” from speeding down the block only to find a dead end was honored as well.

Thanks, Public Works and Street Department staff, for listening to your community.

M.G. Roy,