Running unopposed: Kansas House and Douglas County offices

Douglas County Treasurer Paula Gilchrist was busy campaigning up to the last minute before the general election four years ago.

This year she’s been able to sit back much like any voter and watch other candidates campaign. She has no opponent in her bid for a second term.

A large part of campaigning is putting up yard signs, raising money and getting people to come to events, Gilchrist said. But with so many other contested races it’s hard to get an interest in an uncontested candidate, she said.

“I try to be out and about,” Gilchrist said. “It’s hard to sit back and do nothing. I’ve stayed glued to the television. It’s exciting and fun to watch.”

Here is a list of uncontested candidates appearing on Douglas County ballots:

Kansas House of Representatives

¢ District 44: Democrat Barbara Ballard.

¢ District 46: Democrat Paul Davis.

Douglas County offices

¢ District Attorney: Democrat Charles Branson.

¢ Register of Deeds: Democrat Kay Pesnell

¢ Sheriff: Republican Ken McGovern.

¢ County Clerk: Democrat Jamie Shew

¢ Treasurer: Democrat Paula Gilchrist.