Leaders needed

To the editor:

The discussion has been the same for the past several years about leadership in Lawrence. The owner of the Journal-World to residents around town all share the same question.

At this point, my letter or any others that people have written or will probably write will have little impact on the way the city, county or USD 497 conduct business, but here goes.

Those entities have refused to step up to the table and take responsibility. The City Commission is now allowing neighborhood groups to do the work of the planning department. In a recent Oread Neighborhood newsletter, the neighborhood group says it would consider waiving parking requirements for a certain project. When did the City Commission transfer this authority? No wonder no one wants to do business in Lawrence; who’s in charge?

The T has been a financial disaster from the beginning for failure to charge enough. Tighten the routes. Stop going around the block twice at 33rd and Iowa. Stop giving away money to the Lawrence Community Shelter for free bus passes. Raise the fares, run it like a bus and not a taxi service.

The present commissioners touted their financial expertise, business expertise, leadership qualities, previous commission experience, so when will these assets emerge?

Is Lawrence better off now than five, 10, 15, 20 years ago? Not really, just look around.

David Holroyd,