Risk continues

To the editor:

There is risk of further serious damage to the well-being of our country if President Bush and Vice President Cheney are allowed to finish their terms of office. Neither of them can be trusted. It’s not too late to initiate impeachment hearings for their blatant and dangerous abuses of executive power and constitutional violations.

During the 2000 presidential campaign, most U.S. citizens and an oddly restrained press remained silent while a few untrusting doubters had a suspicion that Bush and Cheney, if elected, would soon call for a military attack somewhere in the world. After 9/11, the country chosen for unjustified invasion was Iraq. The Bush/Cheney costly scam for war enjoyed a long run of “politically correct” approval by Congress and acceptance by a fearful and misled majority of citizens. The results have been disastrous.

Bush and Cheney are leaders of a miserably failed government administration. Their unchecked power remains a worrisome potential threat to any reasonable chance for peace and stability in the Middle East. What country might they decide to attack next before leaving office in a last desperate attempt to reignite in us fear and blind hysteria to enter yet another war and thus promote continuance of their reckless political agendas?

The House of Representatives should initiate immediate impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheney. We must not allow their legacy to become one of guaranteed perpetual conflict in the Middle East, a dreadful mistake that would be pushed off on our next president.

Donald Moss,