Long-term view

To the editor:

In response to Tom Bates’ letter of June 13, I’ll tell you whose future Gov. Sebelius is protecting: everyone’s for many years to come.

It’s time we realize we must change how we live. Anyone willing to continue jeopardizing our planet’s future is risking everyone’s future for short-term solutions. There are choices.

To place greater emphasis on jobs and wallets than on livability of our land for future generations indicates a willingness to travel the easy road. There is no easy solution. To insinuate jobs at coal-fired power plants are the best solution exposes a lack of creativity. Take off the blinders and be creative. Coal-fired plants are not the best solution, only the easiest and quickest.

To say they’ll be the cleanest burning plants ignores the reality they would still damage our air and land beyond recovery. How much are you willing to barter for short-term solutions? Apply your energy to other solutions: wind, solar and nuclear.

You’re sounding like the “Bushies” – willing to run up astronomical deficits to put more money in a few wallets and then let future generations find solutions or suffer the consequences.

Start thinking of someone other than yourselves. Kansas has far more people behind them 100 percent than you’re willing to acknowledge.

Livability of our land is far more important than money in our wallets. These changes are inevitable and the sooner we begin, the easier the road we travel.

Charley Crabtree