Grassroots action

To the editor:

I’d like to thank Daniel O’Neill (Public Forum, June 11) for trying to encourage people to become active in educating themselves about Sudan and the genocide in Darfur in particular. Apparently, his point was lost on the five people who posted comments on the J-W Web site with snide remarks about the United Nations.

The cartoon character Pogo had it correct when he said, “I’ve seen the enemy and it is us!” Every human who does nothing is as complicit in the atrocities as those at whom they point a condemning finger in the U.N. For nearly 10 years I have been advocating for a just and lasting peace for all Sudanese.

Darfur is only the latest in unspeakable violence that has been perpetrated against the citizens of Sudan. But in 2005, grassroots actions by ordinary people ended a civil war that raged over two decades. It just takes someone to stop pointing fingers and start speaking out. More information is available at Sudan Advocacy Action Forum.

Bobbie-Frances McDonald,
