Amusing claim

To the editor:

Cal Thomas’ amusing claim (Journal-World, June 13) that Sen. Barack Obama isn’t a Christian and that he is a false prophet fails several tests (except that of fancy semantic fencing). Thomas claims Christians all must hold “the deity and uniqueness of Christ as the sole mediator between God and Man and be a Christian.”

Thomas states that Obama believes that other paths may lead to knowing God and that the lack of belief in Jesus as a personal savior will not condemn you to hell. This position might expose Obama to the wrathful, heaven-shaking thunder and gaping rends in the Earth’s surface filled with noxious, sulfurous fumes reserved for false prophets (and probably baby killers, homosexuals, drunkards and Democrats as well).

Thomas’ position is that of some evangelicals who hold that scripture is the sole authority – not interpretation by the church. That’s a blatant poke in the eye by those who do accord authority to their institutions, as do most Catholics, Cal, just in case you overlooked this in your haste to include Catholics under your skinny tent.

Thomas is stirring up the ruthless worst in folks by attempting to expose his political enemies to religious condemnation and attack for suggesting that the appearance of Jesus on earth was a waste of time. Hey, Cal, is it time for you to summon the science abusers, the church and clinic bombers for action against this apostate that you alone have publicly identified?

Stu Nowlin,
