Find a carpool partner coming to or leaving from Lawrence

Going to Kansas City?

Catch a ride with someone else who’s making the same trip you are.

Or maybe you live in Kansas City and you’re coming to work in Lawrence. A lot of people do that too.

Two local Web sites exist to connect drivers with riders in both directions.

The Mid-America Regional Council operates Carpool Connection, which is co-sponsored by Lawrence Transit. If you sign up for a free account, you can post what you’re looking for on the site.

The state of Kansas operates it’s own Web site to coordinate carpools for state employees.

A national Web site, ERideshare, allows users to input starting and ending ZIP codes and then to search through potential ride partners. The list of drivers to and from Lawrence is usually lengthy.

Of course, we invite you to also use the comments on this story to look for carpool partners as well. By signing up for a free account, you can post what direction you’re headed, how many spare seats you have, and users can then send you an e-mail through the Web site.

And, feel free to let us know of any other carpool sites you’ve used.