Islam differences

To the editor:

Bruce Springsteen apparently misses the point that Islam, like Christianity, is not a one-size-fits-all religion. Different sects. Different regions. Different interpretations. Differences causing arguments, rifts and even wars.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali may write that Islam is “the new fascism.” But, after 700 years, it can’t be. That’s just a sound bite. She certainly doesn’t represent all Islam. Heck, she doesn’t even speak for all Muslims any more than Cal Thomas speaks for all Christians.

Hirsi Ali has gone through terrible things. But genital mutilation is not Islamic. Neither is forced betrothal, being found in all faiths and countries, including our own.

Saudi women are certainly treated as second-class citizens (if that). But think about this: Within my lifetime, women received the right to vote in Afghanistan, Yemen, Morocco and Egypt – all predominantly Islamic countries – before they did in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Samoa – all predominantly Christian countries.

She writes “Islam is defined as submission to the will of Allah, as it is described in the Koran.” So? Substitute Christianity, God, and the Bible and see how many evangelical Christians disagree.

Cal Thomas has recommended nuking Tehran. And giving Palestinians where a bombing attack originates 24 hours to turn in the unknown drive-through bombers or have everything within a half-mile radius of the launch site destroyed. This is Christian behavior?

No. It’s “terrified Christian” behavior that reveals nothing positive about Thomas’ claims of deep and abiding faith, just Old Testament mean-spiritedness and, yes, bigotry.

Kendall Simmons,
