Bike concern

To the editor:

I live south of Clinton Lake and love riding my bike. County Road 458 winds around the south side of Clinton Lake, and if you have not taken the ride, do it this spring.

I do have a few concerns, however. I need the community to help me understand the rules of the road for bicycles. A few examples I need clarification on:

1. Two bicyclists riding side by side around a 90-degree turn, two cars following cyclists, oncoming tractor. Should the cyclists change their riding posture to single file?

2. Three cyclists riding side by side, several cars behind cyclists and oncoming traffic. Again, should the cyclists change to single file riding?

I am concerned someone is going to get hurt, or worse yet, killed because they are following the rules but not using common sense. I also want to give the cyclists some insight into country life. We drive back and forth to work every day; these roads are our main thoroughfares. Heavy farm equipment is an everyday appearance. Deer, homeless dogs, kids in the car and winding roads are just a few of the possible distractions that we deal with every day. Please enjoy our surroundings and use common sense. Thank you.

Pat Hubbell,
