Repentance is key

To the editor:

Cal Thomas’ Jan. 19 column is a grim reminder of our nation’s moral character. Despite the cited gains in the protection of the unborn, there is no real end in sight. The only real hope that this nation, or an individual, has is to acknowledge our sin and repent as Thomas suggested.

Jesus made this very clear when he responded to two tragic reports in Luke 13. Pilate had killed some Galileans and a tower in Jerusalem had fallen and killed several people. One was a case of blatant murder, the other was what we would call an accident. Either way, Jesus said to those who reported the episodes, “Do you think that those who were killed are worse sinners than the others in these places? I tell you the truth, unless you repent you will likewise perish.”

Was Jesus being insensitive. No! He knew that his kingdom message was being ignored (The first words of his earthly ministry were, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.”) It is our sinful nature which separates us from God, and repentance is the only way for a nation, or a person, to be reconciled to a holy God.

The Apostle Paul in Romans 3:23-24 says it more clearly, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”

Carl Burkhead,
