More concerns

To the editor:

I have two concerns with the Jan. 18 article regarding trucks detouring though residential streets.

The first is the serious impact that the increased traffic has caused, which is speeding. The speed limit on North Michigan and Riverridge Road is 35. Traveling on that road daily I have seen vehicles pass cars on both North Michigan and Riverridge on a regular basis. Last week a vehicle passed a school bus on North Michigan, with its light flashing and the stop arm out. Luckily the student crossing the street waited until sure all cars had stopped.

Second Ms. Callahan and Mr. Soules noted “They thought the roundabouts on Kasold and the curve on Michigan would deter truckers from using those streets more than once.” You would think that it would deter truckers because a semi blocks traffic when turning on North Michigan to Riverridge, but is does not stop them. Perhaps Ms. Callahan and Mr. Soules should monitor these areas, and they would see first-hand not only the many trucks but the increased speed of vehicles using North Michigan and Riverridge road.

Lastly, yes the increase in traffic can be a “nuisance,” but the real concern is the speed of the traffic and the blatant disregard for others by those who think Riverridge Road is the new “Dragstrip Road.”

Kathy Reed,
