Bush hypocrisy

To the editor:

According to Merriam-Webster, hypocrisy is defined as “feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion.” Bush continues to work on his legacy in his response to the Russian invasion of Georgia. How can he reasonably expect anyone in the world to take his threats seriously when he is guilty of the same, if not worse offense, of invading a country because of what? (And, no, we are not even going to the topic of weapons of mass destruction.)

Are we sure it wasn’t in order to see $100-plus barrel oil and to line the deep pockets of defense contractors and oil executives while the middle class continues to crumble and pay the bills that kill?

As our country limps to the next election, Bush continues to demean the American tradition and honor that was built by so many other great men and women before him. Let’s just hope that the American people get it right in November; so much depends on it.

Frank Hays,