Bush breakup

To the editor:

I blame neither Vladimir nor George. These things just happen. Their relationship was promising enough seven years ago when George “looked the man in the eye” and “was able to get a sense of his soul.” It remained good for some years before things began to go south.

George started having doubts when Vladimir did some mean things, such as threatening gas and oil supplies to Europe. Then Vladimir made a bad choice: He invaded Georgia and captured provinces from the old Soviet Empire, then did his best Tony Soprano impression, telling the Georgians to “fugetta bout it!”

No wonder George ranted in public, but eventually he realized he no longer had any power over Vladimir. How many of us have gone through similar breakups? We should empathize over a beautiful match gone bad. Though I am not privy to their intimate communications, I imagine George saying something like this to Vladimir: “Just give me back my sweaters and CD’s and let me get on with my life!”

Don Dorsey,