Wind advocate

To the editor:

Russell Mesler’s “Take a Stand” (Journal-World, Aug. 2) attack against wind power is full of misinformation and mistakes. He gets his information from National Center for Policy Analysis, a conservative think tank that denies humans cause global warming and is funded by conservative foundations and especially companies like Exxon.

He complains about tax credits that support development of wind power, when the subsidies for wind power amount to less than 1 percent of the subsidies for fossil fuel companies. Mesler conveniently leaves out the economic damage done by CO2 emissions as revealed in the Stern Report prepared by the world’s best scientists and economists.

Wind is the lowest-cost source of electricity and wouldn’t need tax credits if the environmental, economic and health care damage done by fossil fuels was added to your electric bill instead of showing up as insurance rates, hospital bills, military actions ($600 billion Iraq war) and Superfund clean-ups.

Wind isn’t reliable but it is predictable, which allows for efficient delivery of its power. Technologies like compressed air energy storage will make wind power a source of baseload power.

Joe Spease,
