Dogs and heat

To the editor:

I would like to pat the back of the owner of the black Jetta that left their dog in the car at the fair Friday night. It was announced at the Demolition Derby that the dog was in distress. We know from sitting there waiting for the derby to start how hot and sticky we were. Now can you imagine how hot it was in a car and how that dog was suffering?

People, PLEASE start using some common sense when it comes to your animals. Dogs to not sweat like humans do, and their normal body temperatures are 100 degrees or more. When you are out with your dogs walking in the heat think about it. If the concrete and asphalt are too hot for your feet, then, people, it’s TOO HOT for your dog’s. Their pads aren’t heat resistant and this is where they sweat from.

So black Jetta owner, next time maybe the dog can drive and he can leave you in the locked car.

Kelli Church,
