Ask voters: Yes or no?

To the editor:

Let the voters decide:

¢ Yes or no on public transportation. The T had six consecutive years of way above average growth.

¢ Yes or no on impact fees. Residential growth does not pay for itself because the revenue generated by residential does not pay for the services they require from a municipality. In order for the city to have orderly growth, developers need to be responsible for a certain amount of the infrastructure. Most builders understand impact fees are for a purpose that improves their developments.

¢ Yes or no on light industrial sites. How many is the question? The North Lawrence site needs $42 million worth of projects such as flood control, reconstruction projects, bridge and culvert. Then roads, walks, etc. Which site is fiscally prudent for the taxpayer?

¢ Yes or no on new library location. No more than $20 million. I suggest next to arts center, which makes use of underused parking garage across the street. Convert current library building to a convention center. Don’t demolish the building.

¢ Yes or no on using Mass. Street for tourism and revenue generation. Tourism is about people enjoying themselves then going home. Fun things – such as more cycling activities, garden shows, farmers markets, sidewalk sales, art shows and maybe a blues and jazz festival – will draw larger crowds downtown consistently.

Richard Heckler,