Shocking trend

To the editor:

What are these families thinking about when they teach their child to relieve themselves in the back yard by a tree? That woman in Massachusetts is exposing her child to the public and teaching her that it is proper to go to the bathroom wherever the urge occurs.

Does the lady from Boston that helped her daughter relieve herself in the sink in a public restroom realize that she is spreading germs. Did she clean the sink with Lysol to make it sanitary for the next person?

I had a young salesman come to my door the other day. He had the nerve to ask me if he could use the side of my house to relieve himself. “Good Lord,” I said, “no.” What are the parents teaching the kids of today? We were taught to use the outhouse. They are growing up too fast and do not have a chance to enjoy a young childhood. Women that do not have time to change a child’s diaper should not even consider having a family.

Cletis Converse,
