Why the insults?

To the editor:

For months now, I have noted the persecution of our entire academic administration, the Kansas Board of Regents, and the governor by endless commentary from the Journal-World editor. Most of my neighbors and colleagues are at a loss for words regarding the insulting tone of these columns. I respect Chancellor Hemenway, Provost Lariviere, Vice Chancellor Atkinson, our governor and the Board of Regents members, whom I have met.

They are servants of this state and honorable individuals. Professionals at the KU Medical Center remarked that the negotiations to join KUMC, the KU Hospital and St. Luke’s for the advancement of cancer research would conclude more amicably without the interference of the media.

I am at a loss for words, too. I have one question: What is the editor’s motivation to behave in such an unprofessional manner by liberally throwing personal insults at decent public servants?

Renate R. Mai-Dalton,
