Study questioned

To the editor:

I find the Sept. 27 article, “Study exonerates vaccine additive,” to be dishonest. But, what should we expect from the Centers for Disease Control, whose main focus is to promote vaccines? To find that vaccines harm people?

After reading the study I found a different spin: Thimerosal was found to cause an increase in motor tics, behavioral problems, speech issues, language development, attention deficits and phonic tics. These findings seem to mirror what we see in our school-age children today. The study ignored children with diagnoses of Tourette’s, autism, ADHA or any other childhood disorder that we see continuing to increase as more vaccines are added to the schedule.

My son has mercury poisoning and heavy metal toxicity. This can be confirmed by his extensive lab work and agreement of all his physicians, including his pediatrician. What should parents do when they receive lab results that show two and a half times the highest safe level of mercury is found in his bloodstream, urine and fecal samples? Thimerosal is a neurotoxin, science knows what it does to the brain. Check out the material safety data sheet (MSDS); in the manufacturers own words, thimerosal is extremely toxic and can cause mild to severe mental retardation and a large list of other issues.

Linda Weinmaster,
