Scary news

To the editor:

Three recent items in the news caught my eye. Two of these articles were disturbing, the third scares the hell out of me.

1. The major telecommunication corporations (who handle all phone and e-mail services) are wanting complete immunity for the cooperation they gave to the Bush administration both BEFORE and after the 9/11 attacks. The insanity of this blanket immunity is that neither the Congress nor the American people have any idea what laws have been broken.

2. Senate officials have stated that a Republican senator is secretly blocking a bill that would reverse President Bush’s 2001 (unprecedented) executive order allowing former presidents to seal their records indefinitely. In essence no one alive today will ever know what the present occupant of the White House has truly done. With this administration, the truth seems to be something that needs to be hidden from view.

3. Bush said he’s still relevant.

Daniel Patrick Schamle,
