Care ‘miracle’?

To the editor:

I applaud New Jersey Gov. John Corzine’s acknowledgment of the poor judgment that contributed to the vehicular crash causing his injuries, as well as his willingness to use the event as an opportunity to educate about the importance of seat belt use.

However, his statement about the role of “a series of miracles” in saving his life is puzzling. Perhaps one “miracle” is that he can afford the cutting-edge medical care and services that facilitate recovery from life-threatening injuries with an excellent prognosis and without financial devastation, in a nation where an increasing number of citizens lack financial resources for basic health care and where bankruptcy due to skyrocketing medical expense is rising.

I wish the governor well in his recovery and hope that his experience heightens his awareness, and that of others in positions of power, of the need for a universal, single-payer national health care system so that the “miracle” of health care that he experienced can be available to all.

Dot Nary,
