
To the editor:

The vitriol of Cal Thomas continues unabated. His latest rant (on Bill Clinton) provides more red meat for his far-right followers. He begins, “No president before him has managed to cash in from his time in office with such shameless abandon.” Cal conveniently forgets Reagan’s first overseas trip after leaving office. The Fujisankei Communications Group paid the former president $2 million to deliver two speeches in Japan. More than he made as president for eight years.

Despite the fact that Clinton’s popularity peaked at 73 percent after his impeachment, the duplicitous Thomas and others just can’t let go. Cal accuses Clinton of having nothing important to say. If only he could pry open his bigoted ears. In his recent sold-out speech in traditionally conservative Manhattan, Clinton laid out a vision for America to take the lead in addressing urgent problems both domestic and international. In particular, he laid out solutions for Third World poverty and disease, terrorism, global warming and U.S. health care and energy policy initiatives.

I would suggest that if Cal Thomas could fetch $100,000 for a speech he’d take it. The question is would he keep 20 percent and donate the rest as Clinton does.

No one can predict what Bush will pursue after his presidency but it’s likely to include Saudi Arabia and the oil business; I seriously doubt there are many who’d pay $100,000 to hear what he has to say.

Kelvin Schartz,
