Immigration laws

To the editor:

This is about the U.S. Senate’s failure to address the needs of the American people, i.e., the issue of retooling Social Security has not been addressed. Fifty million Americans remain without health care, and even more importantly, our overpaid and underworked members of the U.S. Senate have failed to adequately address environmental issues, such as global warming.

In the meantime, much debate continues to go on in the Senate regarding illegal immigration.

There should be no debate on this issue as the solution is a “no-brainer.” For example, forget about rounding up illegal immigrants for deportation. If they are paying their bills and obeying U.S. laws, leave them be. If these immigrants break our laws, deport them. If their children want to attend colleges and universities at in-state tuition rates, fine.

With the above said, the U.S. government must enforce the immigration laws that we already have. Amnesty, however, is a bad idea as such a plan will only encourage illegal immigration from people from all parts of the world.

Yes, we are a “nation of immigrants,” and “we are a nation of laws.”

Robert Hinton,
