Congress’ duty

To the editor:

I, for one, have had enough of our stagnant government. I believe that we have been abandoned by our elected congressional delegates. They are reacting to the various opinion polls that tell them what we think we want or need, without our fully understanding the issues or remedies. Where are our leaders who should be thinking great thoughts about the true solutions to our national problems?

Why have they stood aside as the executive branch of our government has misled or intentionally lied to us in almost every instance in the recent past? President Bush and Vice President Cheney have effectively assumed the roll of monarchs, and have been able to gather tremendous power, not otherwise granted to them by our Constitution.

Our elected leaders in Congress are busily getting themselves re-elected as they are being bullied by the president and the vice president. They have not exercised their obligations, as directed to them by our founders, to impeach the president. They seem to fear offending anyone, lest it cost them a vote.

Our constitutional crisis must be dealt with very soon, or we may be doomed to the fate of the Roman Empire, which collapsed due to the hubris of the Caesars, while their senators were fixing the streets and sewer system. Impeachment is the constitutional remedy toward restoring the balance of power among the three branches of our federal government. We all should begin encouraging our congressional leaders to take back their position, and to force George Bush to relinquish his almost dictatorial powers.

Richard M. Hassur,
