Movie discretion

To the editor:

I am writing to express my concern with unaccompanied minors viewing R-rated movies at a local theater. I recently watched “Knocked Up,” an R-rated movie, with several unaccompanied viewers that were obviously much younger than the recommended 17 years old. I understand that compliance with movie ratings is voluntary; however, this particular movie contained very adult content including nudity, excessive drug use and explicit language. Young viewers should not be robbed of their youth and exposed to themes that are too mature for their viewing.

While part of the blame lies with the theater, part too lies with the parents of these unaccompanied minors. Many parents view movie theaters as safe places to leave their children unattended. Parents may view this as time for their children to socialize or a chance to be childless for a few hours; however, these unaccompanied minors are given the chance to expose themselves to film content that is advanced for their age and maturity.

I am troubled the audience was not screened more thoroughly for this movie, but I am more troubled that parents feel comfortable leaving their young children alone in a theater for several hours. With the terrible news of young women in Kansas City missing and murdered, this is a call to action for parents. Please accompany your children to the movies and monitor the content of the films they watch. Additionally, if policies exist that prohibit unaccompanied minors from watching R-rated movies, I would like to see them enforced more consistently.

Gretchen Speer,
