Fetal rights

To the editor:

As the governor, newly elected attorney general and judges wrangle over the power of their offices, the plight of the preborn is being completely ignored. What George Tiller is doing in his abortion clinic in Wichita, taking the lives of innocent human babies capable of surviving outside the womb, is nothing short of infanticide.

It defies understanding that preborns, by their inherent nature, especially in the last trimester, should not have the status of a human child and be entitled to protection under the law. Nothing in law or policy or public rhetoric should be tolerated that suggests that a third trimester unborn infant is no more complex or valuable than an appendix!

Every human being, inside the womb or outside the womb, should be accorded the fundamental right to life which is guaranteed to every person under the U.S. Constitution.

Karyl Graves,
