Dark beauty

To the editor:

When was the last time you saw the Milky Way? Perhaps it is time for the city of Lawrence to adopt lighting guidelines recommended by the International Dark-Sky Association, an organization whose mission is to preserve the natural beauty of our nighttime skies through appropriate use of outdoor lighting. These guidelines specify the use of lighting fixtures that cast light downward where it is needed, and not sideways or upward into the sky.

Many cities, businesses and residential areas are now incorporating these guidelines when making outdoor lighting decisions. Appropriate illumination usually allows a reduction in wattage as well, with a resultant savings in electricity expenditures.

Studies indicate that use of dark-sky-friendly lighting can actually increase visibility on roads (and also when used for security lighting of homes and businesses). The key to visibility is contrast, so drivers benefit by having light concentrated on roads rather than spread over broad areas.

Every new outdoor light fixture diminishes our ability to look up and enjoy the beauty of our night skies. By choosing dark-sky fixtures, we can greatly reduce this impact.

Terry L. Smith,
