Anyone listening?

To the editor:

This is in response to the new Wal-Mart. The people spoke, and the commissioners did not listen. More traffic. More road construction. The taxpayers will be footing the bill.

On the former Farmland Industries’ property, taxpayers will be footing the bill for whatever industrial buildings are going to be built for more “jobs.” Will the people be able to vote on what kind of jobs? I do not know. But, if you write your commissioners on how many jobs this will bring, will they listen? Did they listen to people who were against Wal-Mart? No.

And as for not giving money to Bert Nash, shame! People need these services, possibly Iraq veterans and the poor. You are told to write your commissioners. Well, I am writing to the paper because no one supposedly representing their constituents in their districts cares what the people want.

Mary L. Smith,
