Northern needs

To the editor:

First, let me apologize for my ignorance because I don’t know how the city decides who can open a business at a certain location or what the businesses have to do in order to get permission to build. Wal-Mart sure had a long, dragged-out fight, but they won. However, something is wrong here. Why do west, south and east Lawrence keep growing?

This has probably been said before, but I think it is worth saying again: Why doesn’t the city do something about us getting a Wal-Mart, a grocery store and even a McDonald’s in North Lawrence? We have a lot of traffic crossing the bridge in North Lawrence, and if the gas prices keep rising for those of us who can’t afford to fill our gas tanks, we will have to ride the T, and that will be a plus.

Eventually, we will have all those stores so why don’t we start planning for them now before prices get higher?

Mary Nunez,
