Abortion rise

To the editor:

The Journal-World reported last week that the number of abortions performed in Kansas in 2006 increased by 6.5 percent from the previous year, the first increase in six years. Gov. Sebelius, borrowing a line from her hero, Mr. Clinton, promised to make abortion “safe, legal and rare.” Like Mr. Clinton, she has kept it legal, but has rebuffed any and all attempts to make it safer through regulation of abortion clinics or their practices.

Now that we know abortion is not only not rare, but on the increase, how will she live up to her pledge to make it rare? It would be an act of courage, no doubt, given that one of her most ardent financial supporters is the state’s most prolific abortionist, George Tiller.

“Safe, legal and rare…” Two lies in a four-word phrase.

Joe Reitz,
