Police response

To the editor:

It was with the deepest sadness that I read of the shooting of a suicidal person by Lawrence police officers. This is the second time in our not too distant past that a desperate parent has reached out for help to the Lawrence Police regarding concerns over their adult child’s suicidal thoughts only to have their child shot to death by the police.

Several years ago, police were called to my home because I was having suicidal thoughts. My therapist, who called police, anticipated that the police would attempt to calmly talk me through my immediate crisis. Instead, police immediately aimed their guns at me and began screaming: “Drop you weapon! Drop your weapon!” Out of fear, I dropped my knife. Unless such police tactics change, similar events to this last weekend’s tragedy are bound to happen again.

I would like to suggest that Lawrence develop psychiatric crisis response teams made up of one police officer and one mental health professional who would be the lead negotiator in attempting to stabilize the situation.

Also, I would suggest that Lawrence develop a citizens review board that would be involved in the oversight of the police force and the review of such incidents as occurred this past weekend.

In times of crisis, people with serious psychiatric disorders need understanding, support and calmness – not hostile threats. I have faith that the residents of Lawrence will seek change. Won’t you please help now before it’s too late for some other troubled soul?

Bill Simons,
