Darfur action

To the editor:

What have we learned from World War II? For the sake of those before us who so nobly sacrificed, we must not forget the lessons taught to us about the evils of genocide!

My heart breaks to know it still happens today.

President Bush has named Andrew Natsios as his special envoy for Darfur, in Sudan. Regardless of views of our president’s involvement with other countries, this action lets the world know American citizens will not be distracted into acceptance of atrocities against humanity! Hopefully, this will urge the United Nations to deploy a peacekeeping force quickly! I know that the more Americans know about Darfur, the more we can tell our government, and the more the U.N. will understand our urgency. Because of this, I am disappointed with the lack of media coverage.

We should remember our past in order to reach out to the future.

Christina Clements,
