Positive precedent

To the editor:

Three cheers to the Douglas County District Attorney’s office for pursuing felony animal cruelty charges against the man who allegedly tormented Melvin the pet rabbit to death (“Suspect in rabbit’s death charged under new felony law,” Journal-World, Aug. 30).

As everyone who worked so hard for the passage of Kansas’ felony animal cruelty law knows, animal cruelty is a serious community issue, not only for the suffering it causes its victims but also for its implications for community safety. Studies have repeatedly shown that without stern intervention, people who abuse animals are more likely to continue their violence against others, including other people.

This point is underscored by the long list of serial killers whose backgrounds boast a history of animal abuse prior to their violence against people.

By filing felony charges against Melvin’s accused killer, the Douglas County DA has set a positive precedent and sent a clear message: Animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Douglas County.

That message will go a long way toward ensuring a safer community for both people and animals.

Ariana Huemer,

The Humane Society of the United States,

Washington, D.C.