Mediocre GOP

To the editor:

When things look dark for Republicans, they predictably trot out the word “elitist” as a put-down of their Democratic opponents. It should come as no surprise that Steve Abrams should charge Governor Sebelius as being “elitist.”

It depends on how you define elitism, and I often find the definition provided by the late columnist Sydney J. Harris most appropriate. Harris observed that “elitism was the slur made against merit by mediocrity.” Mr. Abrams and other conservatives flailing away in desperation clearly are the mediocrities using the slur.

Herbert Hoover warned us in 1949 about developing the cult of the “common man,” equating it with a cult of mediocrity. His speech is instructive in its insight. Hoover found most Americans got mad if you called them common. He believed America was a country where there was the equal opportunity to rise to leadership and be uncommon. He asked that we remember that the great human advances were not brought about by mediocre men and women.

Hoover observed that most parents wanted their children to be uncommon, and he hoped it would always be that way. As he stated: “For the future of America rests not in mediocrity, but in the constant renewal of leadership in every phase of our national life.”

But apparently not for Mr. Abrams and today’s Republicans. They might as well come out and use this as a campaign slogan: “Support Mediocrity – Vote Republican.”

Blair D. Tarr,
