Use turn signal

To the editor:

Driving is so exciting in Lawrence. The “best” experience is to be driving 40-45 mph and have the driver in front apply his/her brakes (the harder, the better), then start to move or turn left, and then apply the turn signal. Even if one has left a reasonable amount of space ahead, it can still be an adrenaline rush to slow down safely and hope the driver behind you can also slow down!

May I suggest a different sequence? As soon as you even suspect your left turn is coming up, signal! It’s OK if it’s a little bit early. After you have signaled, begin to slow down, then start your turn or movement into a turning lane. Signaling well after you start to slow down and turn doesn’t give the driver behind you as much time to react, and demonstrates a great deal of perhaps unfounded faith in his/her reflexes and brakes.

Heather Jorgensen,
