Old news

To the editor:

With midterm elections looming, the far-right of the Republican Party are as jittery as Rush Limbaugh waiting for his cleaning lady to show up with the OxyContin.

Even with talking points like Iraq’s growing civil war; the regrouping of the Taliban in Afghanistan; the boiling “nuke-ya-lur” tea kettles of Iran and North Korea; the near-critical labor shortage in California’s agricultural industry in the absence of a competent immigration policy; the billions of dollars lost to fraud, mismanagement and no-bid contacts for Iraq and Katrina; the rotting city that was New Orleans; the plague of influence peddling at the White House and in Congress; and the recently declassified National Intelligence Estimate stating that the United States is actually less safe after our Iraq invasion, dead-enders like columnist Cal Thomas instead choose to dust off the Lewinsky scandal.

Sadly, for right-wing zealots like Cal, some missions will never be accomplished.

Steve Wilson,
