Not our business

To the editor:

I notice that we are busy sticking our noses into other people’s business once again. I guess it would be foolish to point out that we will be no more affected by a new coal-fired power plant in western Kansas than the tens of millions of other people living east of it. Why do we feel especially empowered to make a community response, and how sure are we that the response represents the wishes of the community as a whole and not just a small vocal portion of it?

There are many jobs on the line. Western Kansas is not exactly job rich. I am so glad that we have probably alienated the many legislators from out west who consider this opportunity very important to their constituents. I can only hope that they do not make our lives more interesting in the future.

You know, if we really had the courage of our convictions, then we would tax ourselves to send money to western Kansas to support job creation there as an alternative to the plant. But we already have ours so we can contentedly place hypersensitive environmental concerns ahead of the real and immediate needs of others. Good on us!

Jeanette Lippencott,
