Keep it unique

To the editor:

I read Richard Hassur’s letter to the editor Nov. 20. I obviously have a different idea of growth in Lawrence than he does. He is a developer whose only motive is profit. A strip mall at every intersection in places like Overland Park is not my idea of growth. Growth would be bringing in companies that actually manufacture a product or companies that do research, companies that would pay a living wage with benefits, not another mall chain store that is nonunion and pays minimum wages without benefits.

I always thought Lawrence was unique with its parks and beautiful downtown. I tailgate at Kansas University games and have the opportunity to talk to people from other college towns, and they always compliment this town on what it has to offer. I’ve lived in this town 40 years and I take pride in it. I’m curious how long Mr. Hassur has lived here or if he even lives here at all. Too many developers only care to pad their pockets and not really care if Lawrence maintains what keeps it unique.

Craig Tucker,
