Vote explained

To the editor:

In answer to recent letters to the editor in favor of a rezoning request for Krause Dining, I would like to respond as a Historic Resources Commission member and explain my own vote on our unanimous recommendation to deny the proposed application.

First, the application is a request to rezone an existing historic residence in a long-standing residential neighborhood and block from single-family to inner-neighborhood commercial land use.

HRC opposed the application finding that the proposal would encroach upon, damage, or destroy a listed historic property or its environs, specifically:

¢ The rezoning request does not continue the historic land use in the environs of the listed property.

¢ Currently, there is no mitigation document for the adverse effects of the requested rezoning (parking).

¢ Currently there is no design document indicating the compatibility of the proposed new use.

Attorney Ron Schneider presented the concerns of his client a neighbor to 917 Del. and a proposed stipulated agreement that was being considered in order to remove their objections to the project.

My own vote for denial was largely because the conversion to a restaurant-like use had been done without a building permit acknowledging the existing zone district requirements, for the above HRC reasons, and that the stipulated agreement with the neighbor to reduce noise was based upon further proposed additions and the enclosure of an exterior courtyard to 917 Del. which were not presented to HRC.

Sven Alstrom,
