American justice

To the editor:

This is about the present debate in the U.S. Senate regarding an attempt by the Senate to pass “a comprehensive immigration bill.”

While most politicians agree that U.S. borders need to be secured, the focal point of the debate is the guest worker program.

Those in the U.S. Senate maintain that the guest worker program is not a form of amnesty. Most leading dictionaries disagree.

According to Webster’s New World College version, amnesty is defined as a pardon for an offense committed against a government.

Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama recently related on “Meet the Press” that the present guest worker proposal would cost at least $50 billion a year in the form of health care, education and more.

With the above said, it is particularly disturbing to this writer that 50 million Americans cannot afford health care insurance and that most of the U.S. Senate, by virtue of their guest worker proposal, want to guarantee health care, and more, to 12 million illegal immigrants. Where is the justice – “American justice,” that is?

Robert Hinton,
